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Publishing doesn’t

have to feel like

a cold-case,

unsolved mystery

Writing a book can seem like a monumental task,


and publishing can seem insurmountable.


Fact is, they don’t have to be.


Today, more people self-publish than find a traditional publisher


because it’s faster, more profitable and controllable.
Still, finding a traditional publisher has advantages too.
Let me navigate the publishing process for you so you can focus on your message and marketing.

Services Include:

Identifying your best publishing options

Designing the interior and book cover

Publishing in digital, print-on-demand, and audio

Maximizing presence on Amazon

Exploring distribution options in bookstores, libraries and wholesalers

Acquiring ISBNs, book pricing and book ordering

Coordinating with the publisher, publishing service or online outlet.

and much more.

Let me take the mystery out of publishing and save you time, energy and headaches.